
(NC, SC, GA, TN, AL, MS & FL)

Near-field measuring systems with which designers can measure the intensity and the location of a radiating source at a box, sub-assembly, board or component level.

The Swedish company Detectus is a world-leading supplier of EMC-Scanner products, since the 1990’s. As from July 2020, the Detectus company is an integral part of Pendulum Instruments.

The Pendulum/Detectus series of EMC-Scanners are powerful pre-compliance tools for measurement and analysis of Electro-Magnetic Interference (EMI). The Scanners feature repetitive high-resolution scanning of emission (and optionally also immunity) down to 25 μm steps. You can scan even inside an IC (option).

The frequency range is 3, 6 or 10 GHz with the Pendulum near-field probes kits but can be extended by using third parties’ probe kits. The system has no built-in limitation so if your spectrum analyzer and probes can handle it, you can measure from DC to daylight.

The powerful Detectus scanning SW (DSS) is an outstanding easy-to-use scanning SW for control of the scan process, visualization, and documentation of results. The driver library support hundreds of Spectrum Analyzers, and we continuously add new models from leading manufacturers.

The scanners come in different sizes to accommodate test objects of various sizes. Scanning can be made in 2D, 3D, or even 4D (3D movement plus 0-360o rotation of the probe head).

The NEW SCN-500 EMC Scanner family will set the new industry standard for EMC-scanning

Detect your EMC hotspots early during development, while the cost for remedy still is low!


  • Detect EMC problems before the test lab does. Save time and money by avoiding re-visits.
  • Repetitive and consistent measurements enable easy comparative measurements between design alternatives.

  • Improve quality of design, by eliminating internal EMI hot spots.

  • Great visualization of emission and immunity hotspots, for any frequency, in the powerful and easy-to-use SW.

  • Scanning in multi-dimensions 2D, 3D or 4D (3D plus rotation of field probe tip), gives extra valuable info on EMI noise sources.

  • Supporting 100+ different spectrum analyzer models. We create new drivers for spectrum analyzers on demand when new models are introduced.