April 5, 2013 – It is with very mixed emotions that we announce the retirement of Charlie Snyder, VP of Southern Marketing Associates (SMA). While we are sad to see him leave we also know he has worked very diligently his entire career and has earned this opportunity to enjoy more time with his family and grandchildren.

Charlie, his wife Pam, and two daughters moved to Florida 26 years ago to start SMA from virtually nothing except their dreams. They not only had aspirations to grow a company but the bigger dream was to develop a company that would and has become their extended SMA family. This includes not only the SMA team but all of our customers and the companies we represent as well. Charlie worked hard over many years to create this team through a simple foundation of building trust, providing excellent customer service, communication and support throughout the entire extended SMA family.

Charlie’s retirement was officially effective April 1, 2013. Be assured however he will continue to consult with SMA and the team to provide the support needed in the seamless transition of his customers to the very capable hands of Mark Nelson. Mark has been with SMA for over two years and has an extensive background in technical knowledge throughout the test & measurement platform. Mark will continue to cover his previously assigned accounts as well.

Please join me in congratulating Charlie and extending all of your warmest thoughts and best wishes in his retirement. We are planning a retirement party for a date in the May/June timeframe. As soon as the details are in place we will be in touch with additional details.

Warm regards,

Paul Bessette
General Manager