SMA’s heartiest congratulations go out to Lockheed Martin STS in Orlando, FL for winning the Navy’s eCASS program!

From the Orlando Sentinel

“Lockheed simulation unit to develop new version of test equipment for Navy

Lockheed Martin Corp.’s Orlando high-tech training division has won a contract potentially worth $105 million to build next-generation test equipment for the U.S. Navy’s worldwide fleet of aircraft. Test stand

Lockheed Martin Simulation, Training & Support beat rivals Northrop Grumman Corp. and Boeing Co. to land one of its largest deals not tied to training equipment, which constitutes the lion’s share of its business.

Lockheed said the five-year contract calls for it to develop advanced test stands called eCASS — short for electronic Consolidated Automated Support System — capable of testing all the systems on the Navy’s aircraft, including the weapons, avionics and navigation.”

Read the full Article here: Lockheed simulation unit to develop new version of test equipment for Navy